9th to 16th July were Samuel and Luella in Zabok, Croatia in “ArtXchange: empowering youth through creativity” training course.
Samuel: “I learned about different techniques, workshops and games which make the learning experience for the youth a lot more interesting. I also improved my own social skills and learned more about group dynamics and how to see things in a more artistic way. Lastly, I learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses which I can use to my advantage in my youth work and my personal life.” Luella: “I met awesome people who taught me many new ways to communicate with youth. How to combine art, movement, writing, acting and a lot more. Found myself lifelong friendships and can’t wait to try out these new skills I learned in a youth centre.” Thank you @dkm_murskasobota @zakum_zabok @xxelementproject_
Broad Perspectives Seminar, which happened in Ommen, the Netherlands, at Olde Vechte group accommodation, from the 2nd to the 8th of June.
Welcome to the Erasmus+ project recap! Imagine a summer camp from your childhood – where you did everything together, from eating and cleaning to chilling and discovering the mysteries of conflict resolution. Yes, it's like reliving those camp days, but instead of sneaking out after lights out, we're sneaking in some serious knowledge about resolving conflicts at every level. During our seminar, we dove into the deep end of methods, tools, and different practices to resolve and transform conflicts on personal, professional, and organizational levels. It was like summer camp, but with fewer ghost stories and more storytelling techniques for conflict resolution. We explored systemic approaches, embodied activities, puppetry (remember those sock puppets?), and impro theatre, turning every session into a discovery of innovative conflict resolution methods. We also played outdoor games – because nothing resolves a conflict like a good old-fashioned game of Capture the Flag – and used the Veil of Ignorance Tool to see conflicts from a fresh perspective. Nonviolent Communication helped us talk things out, while Playfight allowed us to channel our inner kids and resolve issues without actually fighting. Playback Theatre Technique let us reenact conflicts for better understanding, and storytelling transformed our personal tales into powerful tools for resolution. We learned to tackle internal conflicts (like figuring out who stole your s'mores stash – but on a deeper level), interpersonal conflicts (resolving disputes over who gets the top bunk), and organizational conflicts (because sometimes, the camp director just doesn't get it). Ultimately, we discovered how to better support young people facing obstacles, helping them become more active citizens and gain access to educational and employment opportunities. Think of it as training future camp counselors – but for life. We laughed, we learned, and we resolved conflicts like pros. Until next time, happy camping and conflict resolving! Here is a small gift that one of the participant made, go check it out as well ;) You can find it here 13.05 - 21.05 Hispaanias toimunud projekti “Improv for peace” läbivaks teemaks oli teadlikkuse tõstmine sotsiaalsetest probleemidest Euroopas, pannes noored improviseerima kasutades teatrit. Projekti eesmärk oli arendada oskusi väljendada end vägivallavabal viisil ning samuti suurendada teadlikkust sotsiaalsest rahust Euroopas.
Projekti esimestel päevadel õppisime erinevad meetodeid, kuidas saab väljendada emotsioone teatri kaudu ning kuidas teatrilavastuste tegemine käib. Projekti teises pooles lavastasime me näidendeid, mis olid suunatud sellistele probleemidele nagu radikaliseerumine, rassism ja diskrimineerimine. Õppisime ka konfliktide juhtimist Augusto Boali foorumteatri metoodika kaudu. Viimasel päeval esitlesime linnarahvale näidendeid, mida olime kogu projekti jooksul valmistanud. Elasime Alcalá la Real linnas Hispaanias, mis asub Andaluusia piirkonnas. Nautisime seda päikselist linna ja selle ümbritsevat loodust. Selles linnas asub ka suur loss, mida me ka külastasime. Sealt avanes imeilus vaade loodusele ja linnale. Projektipäevadel oli meie koduks üks maja, kus toimus ühine söömine ning õhtuti vaba aja veetmine ja suhtlemine inimestega teistest riikidest. See projekt oli väga põnev kogemus ning see jääb meile kõikidele südametesse. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. |
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