Project ERASMUS + Ecofeminism - Work Towards an Equal and Green Youth
Ecofeminism is a movement that emerged at the intersection of ecology and feminism, aiming to address the interconnected issues of gender inequality and environmental degradation. This social and philosofical movement that promotes a holistic approach to social and ecological issues, enphasizing the need for sustainable and equitable solutions, fostering a harmonious relationship between humanity and nature.
This questionnaire aims to assess the knowledge of young people living in Europe about ecofeminism, as part of the ERASMUS project "Ecofeminism - Work Towards an Equal and Green Youth". Participation is anonymous.
Data protection:
The data collected in this questionnaire will be anonymised. By completing this questionnaire you agree to the processing of this data within the ERASMUS + project - Ecofeminism: work towards an equal and green youth (2023-1-PT02-KA210-YOU-000156172).