Here is a list of projects where Seiklejate Vennaskond was partner in 2015 :)
Seminar „Food revolution" in Italy, July 2015
From 14-19th 2015 of July the first activity of a series of projects took place in Italy. A meeting of youth workers was hosted in Gandellino in cooperation between Link (organizer) and Joint (one of the partners, based in Milano). Around 20 participants came from Estonia, France, Spain, Hungary and Czech Republic. At the same time in the same house was also a project for teenagers- so in there was about 100 people at the same time.
“Food Revolution” is one project entailing different activities. Currently there are 2 youth exchanges and 2 seminars, but organizers encouraged participants to think of their own activities which would be connected with food topics and the main project. The seminar in Gandellino was a kick-off and introductory meeting introducing the project, its aims and helping the participants to get to know each other. Aims of the seminar were: 1. Kick-off meeting between partners (exchange of information); definition of all financial and pedagogical aspects of the project; first introduction to the topic of the project: food 2. Exchange of information on the future projects: youth exchanges in Italy and France, a seminar for youth workers in Spain. Introduction to other related topics: waste, social and economic injustice, global issues (climate change, health, and environment). 3. Activities to discover the possibilities and options of non-formal education: visiting a local organic farm, visit to EXPO 2015 and evaluation, learning about new interactive technologies (“hotglue”) The next activity, a youth exchange, will be held in South of Italy, Altamura on 26.08-04.09.2015. Seiklejate Vennaskond has already selected the participants joining from Estonia. The main topic of the project will be tomatoes (its growing, its transformation, environmental issues). The youth exchange in France will take place in 2016 (dates are yet to be decided) and its main topic will be a walnut. The seminar for youth workers will take in Spain (Barcelona or Terrasa) in April 2016. Two Estonian participants count the project attended as a success. The organizers have managed to gather people who are interested in environment, food and youth projects. There was a nice synergy at the group. The seminar was very well planned; the organizers had made a great effort to organize the meeting and made everyone feel welcome. We can recommend and invite participants to join the future projects. The summary is written by the participants Marii Malinen and Liisi Lees. |
Youth exchange "Healthy for Life", Romania, May 2015
The aim of 11 days lasting project was to increase the level of awareness about the importance of including physical sports and other outdoor recreational activities in the daily life of youngsters. Students participated in team activities: to develop competences using icebreakers, team play, group reflection and sport activities. Project involved young people and youth workers from Romania, Lithuania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland and Estonia. We studied how to work in teams/groups, solved different creative tasks. For example we had to make a video about healthy lifestyle. In our project we had three hiking days in the mountains (which where the highlights of the project). Participants gained non-formal education and developed intercultural-, foreign languages-, entrepreneurship-, learning by doing-, self-expression- and learning to learn competencies. Our guesthouse was located in beautiful area (Poiana Negrii) and food was absolutely delicious. It was almost like eco-farm, because they used their own local products. We had 39 youngsters and 7 leaders in this project and I think everyone learned something new about themselves. It was really good experience and in my opinion: once people have the opportunity to try youth exchange, you want to do it again and again… We had a blast in this youth exchange and we would do it again if possible!
Summary was made by Marian Kübar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I remember that before going to this project I didn't know what to expect of it. I thought that it was going to be different from what it turned out to be. During these 12 days we had different games and activities where we either worked in groups or altogether. With each day we got to know each other more and more, and started to build up mutual trust. We did a lot of outdoor activities and sports, for me the most memorable was hiking, because I have never done it before and I think it was a good opportunity to test myself. As well we did several indoor activities and funny energizer games, we had culture nights and reflection groups and many more. The main things that I learned out of all our activities were that group work can be fun work and going outside my comfort zone is necessary to do new things that motivate me and help me learn more. I also got many new ideas about healthy lifestyle, that I can use in my own everyday life. If to think about what changes this project made in my life, I would have to say that it definitely increased my language skills and courage to speak in English in front of other people. "Healthy for Life" youth exchange gave me an inspiration to really have a healthier lifestyle than before, it also increased my willingness to do more voluntary work and participate in international projects. It even made me think about doing my EVS in Romania. For me, this project was a huge source of inspiration, mostly because of all the awesome people that had come together." Summary was made by Liina Lausing. |
Europe for Citizens project "Migrations, Integration and Co-Development in Europe" workshop in Caltanissetta, Italy, May 2015
Migrations, Integration and Co-Development in Europe workshop was organized in Caltanissetta, Sicily from 7th-11th May 2015. This project was organised by PRISMPromozione Interanzionale Sicilia-Mondo Organization in cooperation with different civil society organizations, local authorities, educational, cultural and research organizations as well as other active networks in the migration and asylum field (full list on Migrations, Integration and Co-Development Facebook page). This project was co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. This project encourages an intercultural dialogue between civil society organizations and citizens from different countries and living communities in Europe to express their views about EU policies related to migration and asylum as well as key priorities and strategic actions needed to face common and current challenges.
Objectives - To foster a lively and cross-border debate about EU policy related to migration, asylum and international protection among civil society organizations and citizens in Europe. - To contribute to the kick-start of a common EU migration and asylum policy. - To increase further cooperation, democratic engagement and civic participation between civil society organizations and citizens that are active in the migrations, asylum and inclusion field from different countries and living communities in Europe. This was a very interactive project with emphasis towards different European migration policies. Emphasize was also given to the Italian immigration scenario which was extremely interesting and relevant when taking into account the current burden for asylum seekers in Southern European countries. Different Italian NGOs talked about practices in Italy related to unaccompanied minors, asylum seekers, conditions in reception and detention centres as well as intercultural mediation and Roma rights. There will also be another follow up seminar “A common European migration policy” for the participants in October 2015 to put together suggestions related to common EU migration policies which will be sent to the European Commission. Link for the survey in order to gain different views on the EU policies on migration and asylum: We would appreciate if you could fill out this survey in order to gather your views about EU policy on migration and asylum! The purpose of this survey is to gauge public opinion of European Citizens on current challenges, strategic priorities & key actions for the development of a common EU Policy in the areas of asylum and migration. Another aim is to understand perceptions and attitudes of citizens towards migrants, immigrants and refugees and towards various migration policy options, and to understand the awareness and knowledge about the phenomenon and the “new multicultural scenario”. Overall, this was a very successful project with different views on migration and Great participants from different parts of Europe. We believe that these workshops involving different cultures and countries are beneficial towards one common European migration policy and it helps to raise awareness among people about the EU´s migration and asylum practices. We also had a chance to explore around the town and the seaside. Moreover, all the participants agreed that Italian cuisine and wine are the best! Definitely something to look forward to! In October the final seminar took place, and sfter that summaries were made, please see the FINAL REPORT for results. Summary was made by Alice Lõhmus. |
Youth exchange ''Shout it out loud'' Altena, Germany, March 2015
7 days, 4 workshops and 28 absolutely awesome people from 5 different countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia and Estonia).
During the week people learned the basics of street art, flash mob, street theatre and other ways of showing their political opinion loud enough, so they would be heard. We had sessions about different most powerful protests in history. We also stayed in present, discussed ''What is wrong in Europe?'' and made campaigns, how could we change the situation. It wasn't just about theory, we got our hands dirty! At the end of the week, we had awesome graffity wall in the parking house, street art performance in Essen, gorgeous little movie from camera and video workshop and flash mob in a train! Thousands of new ideas how to show our opinion started evolving in our little brains. We improved our english, team work skills, had an opurtunity to let our fanatasy fly and learned how totally peaceful protests can change the whole World if it is organized well.. Cause we all know the speech what starts with words: ''I have a dream...'' Project took place in Altena, Germany 15-23 March 2015. Summary was made by Sirli Algo. |
ASHA training course "DIVERSITY OF CULTURAL MUSIC", UK, February 2015

The 7-day course took place in a lovely place called ASHA Centre in Flaxley, Gloucestershire from 3th february to 11th february. The atmosphere and the people, whom most of were volunteers, quickly made everyone feel as if they were home. ASHA centre is a small paradise amidst nature of Forest of Dean, a fully self-sustaining ecosystem. Total of 27 participants had gathered from Estonia, UK, Croatia, Malta, Greece, Romania, Cyprus and of different backgrounds and age groups.
The course explored the ways to communicate between cultures and unleashing creative energy within using the combination of music and storytelling. The idea behind this was that the art of music and telling stories are the only universal language through which the culture can be translated to others. Motto of the course was “Everyone’s a musician”. This encouraged many who’d otherwise not actively pursue musical activity to find courage to express themselves through music.
Most of the time during the program, we worked with composer/teacher Gregers Brinch, who made everyone understand music regardless of background through rhytm, singing and plays. Exploring various styles, instruments and genres from all over the world, we built an repertoire of songs and incorporating it with visual of dancing or acting.
One of the most powerful experiences for everyone was improvisation and then performing that act along with the group.
The course would climax with performance in The Grange – the village for people with special needs.
Summary was made by Ingmar Laan.
The course explored the ways to communicate between cultures and unleashing creative energy within using the combination of music and storytelling. The idea behind this was that the art of music and telling stories are the only universal language through which the culture can be translated to others. Motto of the course was “Everyone’s a musician”. This encouraged many who’d otherwise not actively pursue musical activity to find courage to express themselves through music.
Most of the time during the program, we worked with composer/teacher Gregers Brinch, who made everyone understand music regardless of background through rhytm, singing and plays. Exploring various styles, instruments and genres from all over the world, we built an repertoire of songs and incorporating it with visual of dancing or acting.
One of the most powerful experiences for everyone was improvisation and then performing that act along with the group.
The course would climax with performance in The Grange – the village for people with special needs.
Summary was made by Ingmar Laan.
Training Course “How to start a successful NGO in 10 Steps” Greece, January 2015
24 people aged 16- 35 from 7 countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Cyprus) gathered in Greece to share experience how to start a successful NGO. The courses took place in central Greece, Loutraki, which is known for it’s world-famous casino and magnificent seaside. The activities, which included seminars, group-tasks and individual work, were:
*Educational- lectures about funding possibilities; *Practical- starting webpage for the NGO we created during the course; *Entertaining- a press conference was held in order to gain experience in communicating with the sponsors, media and policy makers; *Interesting- gaining information from other countries about their experiences in creating NGO-s as well as getting to know their culture. Two Estonian girls shared their knowledge about highly developed Estonian NGO system and made some useful connections for the future. The participants of the course ranged from students with high ambition to teachers, professors, entrepreneurs, volunteers etc. Project took place in Loutraki, Greece from 12th to 19th January 2015. Estonian participants were Ann Anton and Liisa Marie Ruudna. Summary was made by Ann Anton. |