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Otsitakse vabatahtlikku organisatsiooni Social action poolt koordineeritavatesse projektidesse Vilniuses, Leedus.
Projektide pikkused ja teemad varieeruvad: 1. CARITAS FOREIGNERS INTEGRATION CENTER. 12 months project start on 1st of March 2023. Activities: social and integrational skills development of people who immigrated to Lithuania. KANDIDEERIMINE 2. OPEN YOUTH CENTER BAZE. 12 months project start on 1st of March 2023. Activities: non-formal education of youngsters in the center - social, personal support, ensuring safe space for youngsters. Imprtant - to have ability and willingness to establish relationship, keen on sonstructive, healthy lifestyle. KANDIDEERIMINE 3. ANIMAL SHELTER LESE. 12 months project start on 1st of March 2023. Activities in the shelter (taking care of dogs, cats, other animals, cleaning, and other maintenance work). Additionally, we support volunteers with their initiatives (dissemination, searching for funds, promoting animal right etc.) KANDIDEERIMINE 4. OPEN YOUTH SPACE. 12 month activity starting at March 1st. The club is a perfect space for young people from 4 to 29 years old. Its friendly and professional mentors as well as administrating team are always there to help young people to develop their artistic abilities, discover enhancing projects (both national and international) and explore various means of self-expression. KANDIDEERIMINE 5. ELDERLY HOUSE. 12 months project start on 1st of March 2023. Activities: social, personal support, developmental activities (like sports, reading, conversations, other skills) for elderly people who are dependant on constant care. KANDIDEERIMINE 6. BALSIU PROGYMNASIUM. 4 months project start on 1st of March 2023. The volunteer will have a pro-active role, assisting the school team: teachers, social pedagogue, speech therapist and special pedagogue in the individual work with children that have learning difficulties. As well the volunteer would organize the post-school activities of non-formal learning. There are a lot of organized activities for pupils after classes; so the volunteer would join the educators to create the activities for children. KANDIDEERIMINE Kandideerima on oodatud 18 - 30 aastased noored. Vabatahtlikule on tasuta majutus, tegevused ja kindlustus. Lisaks saab iga vabatahtlik söögi- ja taskuraha. Limiidi ulatuses kaetakse ka sõidukulud projekti sihtpaika ja tagasi. Kandideerimine kuni 31.jaanuar! Kandideerimine läbi ESC portaali. Märgi oma saatvaks organisatsiooniks Seiklejate Vennaskond. Valituks osutudes võta meiega ühendust [email protected] Tutvu kindlasti ka Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse lisainfoga Seiklejate Vennaskonna lehel SIIN ja Erasmus+ ja Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse agentuuri lehel SIIN. Kandideerimiseks peab olema kasutaja ESC lehel. Comments are closed.
March 2024