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Otsitakse vabatahtlikke organisatsiooni Regional Volunteer Centre in Gdańsk projektidesse Gdanskis, Poolas. Projekti teemaks on ühiskonna areng ning peamisteks ülesanneteks töö noortekeskuses või ökokülas..
Projektid kestavad 6 kuud. Kandideerima on oodatud 18 - 30 aastased noored. Open Yourself for volunteering - support Volunteer Centre in Gdańsk 05.07.2023-11.12.2023 Aim of our organization is to promote the idea of volunteering and civic activity for the benefit of organizations, institutions and people as well as comprehensive support for people and institutions interested such activity. We are the only organization of this kind in Gdańsk and the only one supporting volunteering in the regional area. We are looking for 2 young and motivated persons TO SUPPORT our organization in daily activities and learn new skills. Areas that we want to offer to volunteers are closely related to the profile of our organisation: VOLUNTEER OFFICE, SCHOOL VOLUNTEERING, HUMANITARIAN CRISIS RESPONSE, GDANSK VOLUNTEER WEEK, support during incoming team volunteering projects, HELP PROMOTING our initiatives and DEVELOPMENT of our website and SOCIAL MEDIA. Lisainfo ja kandideerimine. Gdańsk Ecological Volunteering Centre Dates: 05.07.2023-11.12.2023 Our goal is building a community of eco-volunteers and eco-leaders. We will encourage local society to act, participate in campaigns and sharing knowledge. For this project we would like to host one volunteer who will take part in this initiative. We offer You not only the opportunity to learn about the functioning of a local volunteer centre, but also to co-create activities and initiatives, to create innovative solutions in the field of ecological volunteering, working with students and other local volunteers no matter the age. Key aspects of the project are: EDUCATION, PROMOTION, NETWORKING, ECO-AWARENESS, SUSTAINABILITY. Lisainfo ja kandideerimine. Vabatahtlikule on tasuta majutus, tegevused ja kindlustus. Lisaks saab iga vabatahtlik söögi- ja taskuraha. Limiidi ulatuses kaetakse ka sõidukulud projekti sihtpaika ja tagasi. Kandideerimine kuni 20. mai! Märgi oma saatvaks organisatsiooniks Seiklejate Vennaskond. Valituks osutudes võta meiega ühendust [email protected] Tutvu kindlasti ka Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse lisainfoga Seiklejate Vennaskonna lehel SIIN ja Erasmus+ ja Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse agentuuri lehel SIIN. Kandideerimiseks peab olema kasutaja ESC lehel. Comments are closed.
March 2024