21.02‒1.03.2023 toimus Hispaanias Penagoses agroturismi-teemaline koolitus, täpsemalt "Agrotourism: New Potential Opportunities for Rural Youth". Projekti raames õppisime paremini mõistma loodust enda ümber ja leidma terviklikke lahendusi loodusega kooskõlas, rääkisime keskkonnaharidusest, jätkusuutlikkusest, tutvusime permakultuuri põhimõtetega ja õppisime, kuidas kasutada seda vaadet aiapidamises, aga ka laiemalt elus. Proovisime ka ise jätkusuutlikke agroturismi projekte ja permakultuuri põhimõtetele tuginevat aiaprojekti luua ning külastasime kohalikku permakultuurifarmi, et näha juba toimivaid lahendusi. Seal kandis oli üldse palju talukultuuri märgata: ümberkaudsetes hoovides tervitasid meid nii kuked-kanad, pardid, lambad, lehmad, hobused kui ka eeslid. Lisaks märkasime, et Põhja-Hispaanias paikneva Cantabria piirkonna kliima on veel veebruariski päris jahe ja vihmane, see-eest on seal aga hästi roheline ja lopsakas loodus.
Muide, kultuuriõhtul pakutud kama meeldis väga paljudele ja sai kohe hulga komplimente!
I participated in an Erasmus+ training course organised by Oriel Association and Permacultura Cantabria in Penagos, Spain on the 6-14th of February, 2023.
The topic of the training course was "Improving Youth Work Towards Gender Equality". During the project we discussed gender discrimination, gender equality from the neuroscience and social perspective, sexism, challenges of the LGBTQ+ community, power abuse, stress, emotions and feelings. We got more into the brain management, how the thoughts are formed and how the brain receives information. We did lots of team building activities and groupworks. The topic of my groupwork was "The issues that the LGBTQ+ community faces". We made a questionnaire with various questions and the Walk of Privilege. Not only did we gain lots of knowledge about the gender equality topic, but it also gave us a chance to work with people from so many different countries and cultural backgrounds and make new friends. We did various local visits, like day trips to Santander and Bilbao to get more acquainted with the culture and sights of the beautiful Cantabria region in Spain. Overall it was a really great experience with lots of things learned and many beautiful connections made. Special thanks to Seiklejate Vennaskond for providing me with this amazing opportunity and to Permacultura Cantabria and Oriel Association for such a wonderful project. Estonian participant Lija |
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