In 2023 from 26th of August till 6th of September 30 participants from six countries across Europe - Latvia, Spain, Poland, North Macedonia, Croatia and Estonia - came together for a Youth exchange “Last Chance for Fauna and Flora” in Jelgava, Latvia. The main goals of the project are to develop young people's lifelong learning competences, to provide new knowledge and skills, to teach creative learning methods, which can be used to draw attention to the topic of fauna and flora, to develop themselves, to improve young people's teamwork skills, to teach young people various methods that can be used in everyday life which later they can share with others so they can improve situation in Europe and most importantly raise awareness of what we should do and what to avoid in order to preserve nature.
Participants had different activities like games, activities related to fauna and flora, discussions to find solutions to help our problem with endangered species, debates, flashmob and orienteering in Jelgava, hike on Ķemeru bog, they engaged in activities involving various means of artistic expression, such as dance, theater, music, and others. They spent as much time as possible outdoors to find out more about nature. Participants in mixed groups made videos about fauna and flora. Also each country had its intercultural evening where they introduced others to their country, traditions, flags, traditional outfits, songs and even dances..
Youth exchange "Active Minds: Empowering Youth Through Movement" took place 6th-14th of december, it was held in a beautiful village Veliki Žitnik in a rural and mountainous area of Croatia. The project was made by the organization Outward Bound Croatia whose mission is to encourage young people to put themselves into unfamiliar settings and discover and develop themselves through new challenges. Through the activities the organization tries to raise awareness about mindfulness, responsibility, empathy and cooperation.
The topic of this youth exchange was physical activity and mind and body connections, but it also concentrated on group dynamics and leadership. A lot of the activities were held outside, which was a great way to appreciate the beautiful nature around. The activities made participants challenge their fears and try to look past them, because usually fear is an obstacle in a way of achieving something. We also did exercises that tested our ability to work together as a team. These team challenges were very fun, because they connected the participants as a group and really made us bond. We also went hiking for a day. It was very refreshing and breathtakingly beautiful, but also a bit challenging, because we went up to a mountain. Still the view from the top of the mountain was totally worth the effort. In addition to the outside activities, we had workshops inside. A lot of them focused on understanding your own body and mind. For example, we learned about Waldorf education. I really admired how passionately the organizer Matija Malinović introduced the ideas behind this system. I also liked a workshop, where we talked about different leadership styles: architect, driver, relationship master and spontaneous motivator. We found out which of these would be most similar to each one of us and were introduced to the qualities and disadvantages of these different leader types. This project gathered together people from five countries: Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Ukraine and Greece. We got to learn about different countries through cultural evenings, where each country had to plan activities, make presentations and prepare some national foods to taste. I really enjoyed the evening that Ukraine held. In addition to a presentation and a quiz about their country, they wore beautiful national clothes and introduced fun Ukrainian traditional games and dances to the other participants. I am incredibly happy that I had the chance to participate in this project. I gained a lot of new ideas to think about and skills to practice in my life and also got to take a bit of a break from regular everyday life. In addition, I made a lot of new friends and acquaintances that inspired me and were great companions during this week. 22.-30. novembril toimus kaunis mägises Dilijanis Armeenias koolitus „HateBusters! Empowering Youth Workers to Combat Hate Speech”. Koolitusel osalesid 19 erinevast riigist 35 osalejat pluss koolitajad (Bulgaaria, Gruusia, Albaania, Armeenia, Poola, Holland, Hispaania, Itaalia, Belgia, Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina, Tšehhi, Eesti, Ungari, Moldova, Rumeenia, Slovakkia, Ukraina, Türgi, Portugal). Koolitusel räägiti ja arutleti teemal „Mis on vaenukõne, kuidas seda ära tunda, ennetada ja ära hoida”.
Lisaks vestlustele ja põnevatele aruteludele toimus ka mitmeid praktilisi töötubasid ja tegevusi. Päevad olid väga tihedad ja inforikkad. Vastavalt koolituse teemale oli väga olulisel kohal ka alati grupi- ja enesereflektsioon. Esimene päev oli pühendatud peamiselt sellele, et osalejad omavahel tuttavaks saaksid ja et grupp omavahel turvalise jagamise ja koosõppimise ruumi saaks luua. Järgnevad päevad olid täis mitmesuguseid tegevusi, jagasime erinevate riikide näitel, millised grupid ja kuidas on rõhutud erinevates riikides, mis on ette võetud, et seda muuta jne. Iga päeva lõpus oli grupisisesed (korraldajate poolt kokku pandud grupid) 15 minutilised reflektsiooniajad, kus arutleti päeva tegevustest, töötubadest, tunnetest. Hästi põnevaks kujunes foorumteater, kus osalejatele anti erinevad rõhutute teemad ning väikese ettevalmistusega esitati neid kogu grupi ees ning kui saabus see hetk, mil publik sai mõne osaleja välja vahetada, muutus mitmetel etendustel loo lõpp täielikult. Lisaks, oli veel hästi põnev tegevus „Living Library”, mis on mitmetes riikides juba üsna populaarne ja hästi vastu võetud programm. Meie osalejate hulgas oli väga mitmeid põnevaid Raamatuid ja ka kõik Lugejad olid äärmiselt huvitatud nendeni jõudnud raamatute lugemisest. Mõni raamat oli väga kurb ja pani lugejaid nutma („Ukraina”), kuid oli ka raamatuid, mis olid pigem põnevusraamatud („Häkker”), samuti terviseteemalisi („ATH”) ja elu ning elu väljakutsetega seotud raamatud ( „Homoseksuaalsus”, „Feminism”, „Naine ajakirjanduses”, „Romade elu ja olu” „Üksikvanemlus” ja „Noor vanem”). Kuna Armeenia koolitusele järgneb igas riigist „No Hate Speech” teemaline tegevus, siis said ka osalejad ise (taas)luua tegevusi, millest kõik said inspiratsiooni ammutada, kas ja kuidas neid tegevusi luua. Antud ülesannet pean hästi oluliseks, sest iga grupi loodud tegevusele, mille esitasime, saime tagasisidet korraldajatelt, mida ja kuidas võiks muuta. Niisamuti tagasisidet teistelt osalejatelt, kuidas nemad tundsid end antud tegevuse käigus ja mis neile meeldis, mida võiks teisiti teha. Tänu sellele said kõik grupid väärt tagasisidet. Koolitus väga hästi korraldatud ja läbi viidud. Äärmiselt põnev ja sisutihe. Kõik osalejad said endaga kaasa võtta tohutult häid mõtteid ja uusi teadmisi. Erasmus+ noortevahetus Fuerteventural 22.–30. novembril
Sel korral said viis Eesti noort võimaluse keset novembrikülmust taaselustada oma suvemälestusi Fuerteventura-nimelisel Kanaari saarel. Kuigi noortevahetus oli keskendunud jätkusuutlikule ettevõtlusele ja seda just noorte ettevõtjate perspektiivist, tundsime, et olulisimad õppetunnid saime hoopis muudest valdkondadest. Kõige suurem neist on seotud reisimisega, täpsemalt lennukitega, veel täpsemalt sellega, kui reisiplaaniga midagi juhtub, ehk siis kui su öine lend tühistatakse. Meist kellegagi polnud sellist asja varem juhtunud, seega pidime saarelt koju saamiseks kiirelt pead kokku panema ja koha peal uue plaani välja mõtlema. Kokkuvõttes uus ja väga hariv kogemus😅 Noortevahetus ise (nagu varem mainitud) oli keskendunud jätkusuutlikule ettevõtlusele: nii töötoad, mängud, grupitööd kui ka külalised suunasid meid mõtlema loodussäästliku majandamise suunas. Eriti jäi meelde ja tekitas elevust ressursside kogumise mäng, kus kõik osalejad jaotati kuue maailmajao vahel. Iga maailmajagu pidi elus püsimiseks igal käigul koguma vähemalt ühe ressursi. (Ressursse oli piiratud koguses.) Tihti juhtus aga nii, et maailmajaod läksid ahneks ja kogusid rohkem ressursse kui vaja, mis viis selleni, et kõik maailmajaod ei elanud kõiki käike üle, sest ressursse oli eelmistel käikudel ekspluateeritud. Fuerteventural veedetud ajale tagasi mõeldes oleme väga tänulikud, et saime võimaluse erinevatest riikidest pärit noortega koos aega veeta ja mõtteid vahetada, tutvuda Eestist nii erineva maastiku ja loodusega ning saada uusi teadmisi, kuidas oma ettevõttes (või ka üldisemalt oma tegemistes) jätkusuutlikumaid alternatiive rakendada. Korraldaja Instagram: @coco.nutwork “Food for Thought” - that was the name given to the youth exchange taking place at 20.11 - 28.11 in Denmark. Although only three countries participated in the project - Denmark, Poland, and Estonia - there were a total of eight nationalities present. In addition to the aforementioned countries, Romania, China, Taiwan, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan were also represented. The project's main goal was to draw attention to food waste and the environmental issues associated with food production, as well as to share experiences and tips on how to eat more sustainably.
The project took place 20 kilometers away from the city center of Copenhagen in an area known as Holte. It was a remarkably scenic location amidst horse pastures and picturesque landscapes. Upon our arrival, the weather began to turn brisk, and our shelter for the night was chillingly cool. We had to keep the stoves burning around the clock to maintain warmth indoors. Fortunately, the cold issue was eventually resolved, and it did not impede our activities. As the project focused on sustainable nutrition, all meals were naturally 100% plant-based. To ensure that vegan cuisine was not monotonous and did not merely consist of salads, professional chef Anna Sofie prepared on-site dishes. Her culinary creations, which can be a source of inspiration for others, can be found on her Instagram account @artistkok. To everyone's surprise, all the prepared dishes were distinctly unique and delicious. The inaugural day of the project was to get to know each other and to foster team spirit. On the second day, the project took a startling turn with some discomforting facts. Were you aware that approximately 270 thousand sharks are killed daily in the world? Or that there are around 28,000 species on the brink of extinction? When the premises of the worldwide situation were established, then it was time to return to our roots and present what is commendable in our own countries, while also identifying the problematic areas that could oversee improvement. For us, it became apparent that although there are many good approaches and aspects in other nations relating to this issue, regrettably there still remains awfully lot of nuances that demand attention, and solving them necessitates concrete solutions. During the exchange, we were offered the opportunity to visit Copenhagen and also local Christmas market. While visiting the market we were presented with various creative tasks. For example, we got to learn how to say “Merry Christmas” in Danish and discover other Danish cultural holiday customs. Can you fandom the fact that they eat potatoes with sugar? Brunede Kartofler, look it up! The unequivocal highlight of the project was titled “ School Kitchen”. In the morning, various dishes were assigned for us to prepare. - soup, one-pot meal, baked dishes, and dessert - we were also given restrictions on the type of packaging allowed for purchasing the ingredients. The evening feast consisted of our prepared four-course meal. As expected our culinary endeavors also had an element of competition in them. In line with the project theme, the main goal of this exercise was to generate as little food waste as possible. The team that achieved this goal got their hands on a prize. On the final day of the project, we consolidated all of our knowledge that we learned and acquired during the project into a single (albeit somewhat unorthodox) recipe book. Also as an add-on to authentic food recipes, this compendium has tips and tricks on how to diminish one's food wastage, during their day-to-day lives, thereby achieving the project's goal of how to make our cooking and consumption more sustainable. As usual cultural evenings unfolded during the project, where representatives from each country showcased his or her nation's culture through presentations, dances, and games. Naturally, intriguing dishes and appetizers adorned the tables, inviting participants to partake and taste them. These evenings usually evolved into spirited affairs, with dances and games extending into the early morning hours. The people present were diverse and the group exuded both humor and unity, which filled our days with laughter and socializing with each other. As a final collective activity, we gathered in a circle and chose a single word that would serve as a lasting reminder of this experience. It was heartwarming to hear that, for many, Estonia would be remembered, as this marked their initial encounter with our nationality, sparking a genuine desire to visit our country and see its culture. Ultimately this is the goal of these projects to raise awareness of significant issues, foster friendships across various cultures to build unity, and to establish meaningful lifelong connections. ✨ |
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