12.–21. märtsil osalesid Elo, Greete, Helena, Jette, Lauri ja Reimo Portugalis Chavesi- nimelises linnas noortevahetusel. Projekti peateemana tutvustati erinevate riikide keskkonnaprobleeme ning otsiti kohaliku linna probleemide näitel ka lahendusi. Lisaks Eestile ja Portugalile olid projekti kaasatud noored Hispaaniast, Kreekast, Ungarist ja Itaaliast.
Projekt kandis nime “The Fight of a Generation II” ning oli jätkuprojekt novembris toimunud samanimelisele noortevahetusele. Selles projektis keskendusime rohkem Chavesi linna keskkonnaprobleemidele lahenduste otsimisele ning kohalike noorte protsessi kaasamisele. Projekti alguses tutvustasime keskkonna olukorda oma riikides ning tutvusime murekohtadega kohalikus keskkonnas. Edasi näidati meile, mida kohalik kogukond organisatsiooni Inspira (@inspirajuventude) eestvedamisel juba probleemide lahendamiseks teeb. Saime korjata prügi järve kaldalt, takistada invasiivse akaatsia levikut looduses ning istutada puid, et kohalike metsade liigirikkust suurendada. Projekti lõpuosas otsisime eelnevalt leitud probleemidele lahendusi ning et mõju sealsele kogukonnale oleks võimalikult suur, tutvustasime oma ideid kohaliku kooli noortele. Noortevahetusele kohaselt ei puudunud kohustuslike tegevuste kõrvalt ka kultuuriõhtud ja teiste noortega sotsialiseerumine. Kohvipausidel, mis olid õnneks piisavalt pikad, saime avastada kohalikke kohvikuid ning jäätiseputkasid. Mõnus jäätisekohvik nurga taga oli suur avastus ka kohalikele. Imeheade pastel de nata’de ja kohvi kõrvale saime mõnusat juttu rääkida teiste projektilistega ning õppida uusi kaardimänge. Vägeva elamuse andsid ka kõigi riikide kultuuriõhtud, kus sai maitsta erinevaid rahvuslikke toite ning õppida juurde mõned tantsusammudki. Kõige meeldejäävam oli kindlasti Portugali kultuuriõhtu, kuhu toodi maitsmiseks korraldajate endi valmistatud koduveini. Eesti tiimile tervikuna jäid projektist enim meelde (kohalikud) inimesed, seltskond, linn ja ilm. Lisaks grupitööd erinevates rühmades ning mõnusad ja humoorikad vestlused vabal ajal, mis võimaldasid meil projekti jooksul omavahel väga lähedasteks muutuda. Ilusate ilmadega selles kaunis ja pisikeses linnas sai kõik olulisemad toimetused ära teha vaid lühikese jalutuskäiguga ning seejuures võis alati nautida ilusaid maju ja mäevaateid. Kui Chavesisse satute, tasub kindlasti proovida ka termonuudleid. Chavesi kuulus termaalvesi teeb imesid, milline võib siis veel olla mõju, kui seda tarbida koos kiirnuudlitega?
In 2024, we organized a series of comprehensive workshops where we utilized the innovative Storytelling method to delve into and reflect upon the social impact generated by our previous projects and local community activities. These workshops provided a collaborative space for project participants to come together and share their experiences, insights, and personal stories. By employing Storytelling, we were able to create a rich narrative that highlighted the significant changes and developments brought about by our initiatives.
On 9th of March, the workshop was made into sessions where participants engaged in in-depth discussions, examining both the successes and challenges faced during the implementation of past projects. This reflective process allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the tangible and intangible effects our efforts had on the community. Moreover, by involving the participants in the analysis, we ensured that diverse perspectives were considered, leading to a more holistic evaluation of our social impact. The Storytelling method not only facilitated meaningful dialogue but also fostered a sense of connection and empowerment among the participants. As they shared their stories, they recognized the collective impact of their contributions and felt a renewed sense of purpose. These workshops were instrumental in shaping our future strategies and reinforcing our commitment to driving positive social change through continued collaboration and community engagement. On the 2nd and 6th of May, 2024, we also held Storytelling workshops focused on photography. The second workshop took place on the 2nd of May at the Pääsküla Youth Center, with seven children aged 5-10 participating. During the workshop, we explored various themes and examples that sparked discussions, revealing how a single photograph can be interpreted differently by each viewer. The presentation allowed space for conversation, enabling participants to see and describe various aspects of the images. Through games, the children practiced expressing their opinions and formed decisions through observation. In the practical segment, they could move furniture, create situations, and utilize their surroundings, allowing the young participants to add an element of abstraction to conventional photographic techniques. The third workshop was held on the 6th of May at the Tallinn Children's Safe House. The theme was the same—Storytelling through photography. The 15 young attendees preferred using pre-practiced photography methods over experimentation. The workshops were divided into three parts. The first part involved using different photography techniques to capture the moment. In the second part, participants engaged in a game where they could categorize images and move around the room accordingly. The third and most practical part involved taking photographs themselves. They used the techniques discussed in the examples, rearranging furniture to create unique setups with ordinary tools. Since there were minors on last two workshops, no pictures were taken of the participants in the event. |
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