On the 22nd of May, the three Musketeers Anton, Kadi & Loora found themselves reunited and ready for another adventure. This time, their journey led them to the enchanting island of Malta, where the sun's appropriate warmth already hinted at the impending summer. In the days leading up to the training, they explored the historic streets of Valletta, the timeless beauty of the silent city, and ventured into the ancient archaeological sites that dot Malta's landscape. With their sense of wonder awakened, they were now prepared to delve into the art of conflict resolution through storytelling.
Our experiences from the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina still resonated within us, and we were eager to expand our storytelling prowess to address conflicts. In familiar company from the previous Sarajevo workshops and some new faces, we began our journey. The first lesson was clear: to resolve a conflict, one must first understand it. And so, we delved deep into the annals of history and explored contemporary disputes, wars, and complex relationship dramas, seeking to uncover the diverse types and root causes of conflicts. Intriguingly, we discovered that each conflict could be perceived in myriad ways, depending on the parties involved and the perspective of the bystanders. Over the following days, we engaged in profound discussions on the motivations driving conflicting parties, a topic that proved as intricate as it was enlightening. Finally, we examined real-life examples of conflict resolution, discovering that the classification of "good" and "bad" resolutions was itself subjective and depended on one's point of view. The week in Malta passed even more swiftly than our previous adventure in Sarajevo. Our days were filled with intensive group work, stimulating discussions, and a wealth of knowledge gained from both history and new international friendships. Malta, with its charming blend of international influence and local charm, compact size and vast historical significance, and occasional contrast between dry and rainy weather, provided the backdrop for a memorable journey. Our hearts brimming with newfound insights and friendships forged, we left Malta with a promise to return someday, knowing that this island had more stories to tell and conflicts to resolve, and we would be ready to craft narratives that bridged divides and brought people together. With stories & love Hanna-Loora Bobrov, Anton Neidre, Kadi Remann
I recently had the privilege of participating in an unforgettable Erasmus+ training course in the charming town of Dobczyce, Poland. From October 13th to 22nd, I embarked on a creative journey that enriched my artistic palette in ways I never could have imagined.
The heart of this experience was dedicated to artistic workshops that sparked my passion for photography and upcycling. We dove headfirst into the world of pinhole cameras, breathing life into these DIY creations, using only cans and cardboard. The sheer magic of capturing images through these unique cameras was a revelation in itself. One of the most interesting aspects of the project was the exploration of the cyanotype printing process. This mesmerizing technique seamlessly intertwined tradition with innovation, allowing us to experiment with both analog and digital methods. It was a fusion of art and science that left a lasting impression on all of us. But our artistic pursuits weren't confined to the workshop walls. We ventured outdoors, engaging in pinhole photography experiments against the backdrop of stunning landscapes and embarking on an exciting photo quest through the picturesque streets of Kraków. These outdoor activities added a social dimension to our art, fostering connections and shared experiences that made our journey all the more meaningful. I'm deeply grateful to the dedicated organizers and the incredible group of participants who made this Erasmus+ training a transformative experience. The memories we've created and the skills we've acquired have left an indelible mark on me. As I look ahead, I'm eager to apply my newfound knowledge and skills to future creative endeavors. This project has not only expanded my artistic repertoire but has also allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds, creating a tapestry of inspiration that will continue to shape my creative path. Kätlin Rapp We participated in the "YAIS 2.0" program that took place in Villablanca, Spain. The program's theme centered on volunteering and how it can be a meaningful and productive way to spend one's leisure time. Its primary goal was to educate all the participants about how free time can enrich their lives, provide new experiences, and contribute to their social environment and local community. It taught us that leisure time is precious and doesn't always have to be consumed by social media or the internet. Volunteering is a path to personal growth and has a significant impact on the community in which you live.
Beyond its main theme, the program also provided us with a fantastic opportunity to interact with people from various countries, expanding our worldview and fostering new friendships with individuals from diverse backgrounds. During our stay, we attended numerous workshops dedicated to learning about volunteering, such as the "World Cafe." In this workshop, the main theme was divided into different categories like local volunteering and NGOs. It offered everyone a platform to discuss their opinions and experiences regarding volunteering as a whole and why it holds importance and impacts the entire community.' We engaged in various activities, including walking dogs from the animal shelter, participating in beach cleanup efforts, and conversing with firefighters, who are integral members of our society. We also took part in group activities that enhanced our teamwork and creativity. Additionally, the program featured culture nights that focused on 2-3 countries. During these nights, the representatives from these countries shared their customs, traditions, values, and interesting facts about their homeland. These culture nights allowed us to savor delicious foods from different countries, experience traditional folk dances and games, and share insights about our home country, Estonia, highlighting its significance to us. In summary, the experience and friendships we gained from the program are invaluable and irreplaceable. Thanks to the program, we now understand why volunteering is essential and how we can contribute to and impact our local communities back home. We are forever grateful for this enriching experience provided by Seiklejate Vennaskond and the main organizer, Asociación 217Sur. Soojas Marbellas toimus 16.- 23.10 noorsootöötajatele suunatud projekt “Stress? No, thanks”.
Projekti eesmärk oli, et noortega töötavad inimesed õpiksid stressiga toime tulema nii füüsilisel kui ka vaimsel tasandil, et seda ennetavaid tegureid tõhusamalt töösse noortega rakendada. Koolitusel keskenduti stressi maandavate meetoditega tutvumisele. Näiteks toimus igal hommikul 15-minutiline joogasessioon ja iga päev tunnine meditatsioonirännak. Tutvuti muusika- ja tantsuteraapiaga ning kuidas seda ka iseseisvalt läbi viia. Lisaks füüsilistele tegevustele arutati noorte vaimset tervist mõjutavate tegurite üle, näiteks suhted (kool, pere, üksindus), toitumine, pandeemiajärgne periood, ühiskondlik surve ja stereotüüpne käitumine ning hirm tuleviku ees. Erko & Eliise Date: 26.09.2023
Location: Finno-Ugric Film Festival, Mazirbe Activity: Movement Meditation workshop Participants: International & Estonian youth and youth workers, 7 participants We started with a journey into the forest, then a body warm-up waking up the body awareness. Everyone found themselves a spot on the ground to begin their journey in a laying down position. We started with a guided meditation to connect with the breath and the Earth, relaxing and going deeper. Then the music came into play, and the people were invited to go on a journey of discovery through the 4 natural elements (earth, air, water, fire) in relation to their body. The prompt was to simply observe and allow the body sensations to be the guide, welcoming movement if it is to arrive. After meeting all the elements separately, the invitation was to meet them all in one place, existing all together. And then we had time to reflect on the experience and slowly come back to the body and the space around us. As a slight surprise, there was a possibility to put the experience and/or current feeling(s) onto paper. Connecting with different colors and textures, a space to be free flowing in your own (creative) energy, in the space of a communal paper. Creating (as if) by itself a community painting, a wonderful mural of the present moment. The feedback from the participants was positive. They felt it was joyous and relaxing. And were excited to see their art on the wall, after the activity. This activity was very much inspired by the Training Course, as there I was introduced to this activity, elemental dance, and I'm deeply grateful I got the chance to carry this into my own practice. This training course definitely empowered me a lot and gave me courage to do more things like this. And when I now make workshops using this and other tools I recieved, I feel I am doing something that makes a difference to the world. Creating safe and wholesome spaces in a grown up world that can seem sad, dangerous and cruel most of the time. Estonian Team Local Action 15.-23. septembril osalesid 10 Eesti noort rahuteemalisel noortevahetusel Küprosel, Larnaca linna lähistel. Projekti osalejad tulid kohale kuuest riigist: Eestist, Poolast, Saksamaalt, Rumeeniast, Kreekast ja Küproselt, kuid esindatud rahvusi oli osalejate seas rohkemgi.
Projekti käigus loodi sõprussuhteid nii oma rahvuskaaslaste kui ka inimestega teisest Euroopa otsast. Mõtlemapanevad vestlused avardasid kõigi maailmapilti, koostööd arendavad ülesanded sidusid inimesi ja kaasahaaravad töötoad pakkusid võimalust mõelda Euroopas eksisteerivatele probleemidele. Käsitlemata ei jäänud ka positiivsed näited ühiskonnas toimunud muutustest. Kahel päeval külastati üheskoos lähedalasuvaid linnu Ayia Napat ja pealinna Nicosiat. Turismikuurordis Ayia Napal tehti osalejatele linnatuur ja tutvustati Euroopa noorteaasta väärtusi. Pealinnas külastati Küprose parlamendihoonet, kus selgitati riigijuhtimise organeid ja nende tööd ning Küprose poliitilist hetkeolukorda seoses vähemusrahvuste ja Türgi okupeeritud alaga. Need teemad tekitasid noortes palju küsimusi ja arutelu parlamendiliikmega oleks ajapiiranguta jätkunud veel kauaks. Kultuuriõhtutel tutvustasid kõik riigid oma traditsioonilisi laule, tantse või mänge. Nende seas oli eestlastele juba tuttavat, kuid ka Eesti kultuurist täiesti erinevat ja põnevat. Igaüks sai osa erinevate riikide toidukultuurist, maitsta midagi täiesti uut ja miks mitte leida ka põnevaid varemnägemata lemmikuid. Positiivsest energiast pakatav seltskond, vaba aeg, ühised mängud rannas, tantsu ja tralli täis õhtud ning lõputa suvine ilm, aitasid laadida akusid ja luua meeldejääva kogemuse. Eesti osalejad planeerivad juba uusi ühiseid koosviibimisi. Aitäh kõigile asjaosalistele ning järgmiste arendavate ja meeldivate projektideni! |
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